Friday, October 18, 2013

Our intrepid heroes begin this installment with a choice.  Should they finish up the few doors they did not open in the dungeon last week or should they continue on the road to the monastery.  Foolish me, I assumed they would be eager to get on the road but they insisted on finishing off every nook and cranny.  They encountered a Wight that tore the flesh from the bones of the paladin before being taken down. The paladin did lose TWO levels to the creature before they managed to slay it but he regained the levels upon the demise of the beast.  They also found a 20 foot long lobster that tried to crack open the dwarf.  He hit with a natural 20 which meant it did double damage and he would have to make a bend bars roll to get out of the vise like grip.  He failed, and was beginning to get worried he was going to have to paint a new figure.  (This was Jef who lost his barbarian last week.)  Some quick thinking on the part of our cleric of lathander forced the lobster to drop the dwarf and the party managed to pull out the butter and tines and had a small feast.

I did not want the party to spend any more time searching the dungeon for there were just a few odds and ends with some minor monsters to slay and we do not get to play for long so I had the rest of the doors appear as if they were rubbled and the ceiling had collapsed.  Silly I know but it really was time for them to move on!
I was pretty excited for them to try this new encounter.  I had pulled it from one of the very first dungeon magazines.  If you have ever seen the old Sean Connery movie “The name of the Rose” this adventure was modeled after that movie. 

I wont give a blow by blow of this adventure but lets just say it was a bit different.  There was very little die rolling and I tried to have it follow a bit of a plot.  However the party definitely managed to screw that plot up right off the bat.  They spread out and searched the campus forcing me to juggle around several encounters to try to keep the plot alive but at the end of the night they seemed to enjoy the murder mystery. 

Advancing the plot of the campaign they did manage to discover that the lawful good god Tyr has granted a vision to one of the monks which is exceedingly rare in this age.  The monk was killed so they only have a passage from the monks journal to confirm it but they follow the vision to a spring in the mountain side which the vision told the monk would be a blessing from Tyr.  The water heals upon touch.  I wonder what uses the party will attempt with the blessed water?  

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